November 9, 2008

reduce, REUSE, recycle!

I found this while searching for some more craft projects (not that I need to add on to my list, but looking for them is almost as fun as making them...) As I'm a pretty avid crocheter, I thought this was the coolest thing I've seen in a while.

So you know all those plastic bags you bring home from the grocery store and shove under your sink, or in your pantry, or if your lucky enough to have one of those adorable plastic bag holders that hang from your ceiling next the fridge...

Anyway, there IS a use for them, besides doogy-doo bags.

Plastic Bag Yarn! Of couse, it sounds weird and uncomfortable, but I'm not suggesting you make an afgan out of it... How about a tote bag? I think that's rather appropriate. Or you could make sea creatures, like this girl.

Here's the tutorial. If you happen to have a lot of extra time, and lots of plastic bags. The only forseeable problem is that I would probably, in want of a specific color, go to the store and buy a box of shopping bags, which kind of defeats the purpose.

Oh well, it's all in the name of beautiful crafts.

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