I think that I miss home the most around fall. I'm not sure why, but what seems likely to me is that Utah falls are so different from West Virginia falls. All of the other seasons are pretty much the same here as they are there. The biggest thing is the fall colors, and the smell of leaves. We were talking in one of my classes recently about how powerful our sense of smell is with bringing back memories. But there really just aren't any leaves here to smell. All the trees are coniferous (like pine trees), so they don't change colors, and the leaves don't fall off and rot. As weird as it sounds, I really miss the smell of fall.
I guess you win some, you lose some.
I would miss fall if I got to see falls like where you're from. Man, I miss them, and I've never seen a fall like that!
you are always here in my heart...
Blake said the says the same thing about being out West. I'll soak up some fall smells for you =)
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