May 4, 2011

Catching Up Again.

I have a lot of catching up to do. I blame it on my computer having techinical difficulties, and also Dad being in town last week, and also me just being completely lazy and not interested in blogging. Sorry!

So here is the written update. I'll follow with a bunch of pictures shortly.

Everything here is great! Of course, like usual.

Ollie is getting HUGE. He has two bottom teeth, and one top tooth. There are 5 others working there way out though, which has made him a bit clingy for the last few weeks. He really takes teething well, and only gets really fussy when they are just about to poke through. He turned 10 months on Monday, and I can't believe how quickly the time has gone.

He eats all sorts of things now, some of his favorites being:

Scrambled eggs with cheese
Beans of any kind
Soup with beans of any kind
Refried Beans
Melon of any kind
Multi Grain Cheerios
Anything that Mom or Dad eats

He still loves to read, and will almost always sit on your lap to read a book, even if he's doing something else really fun. He loves Pat the Bunny, and Gran also got him Pat the Puppy, which is equally as fun. I wish those books were made out of something stronger because they are getting loved to pieces, literally.

Justin got a new bike as an early birthday present, and has been riding it daily because of a problem he's been having with his ankle. He went to the Doctor, and has Retrocalcaneal bursitis.
He has a prescription gel for it, and has been trying to nurse it back to normalcy, but it has severely hampered his running. He's pretty upset about it. It's frustrating, because there's really nothing that can be done except to stop running and hope it heals, but he's just gotten so into the whole running thing.

As for me, I found out yesterday that my Thyroid problems have spontaneously cured themselves, which is awesome. I guess I must have some kind of super power or something. Just kidding, of course. About the super power.
We have had a terrible terrible winter here with more snow and coldness than we've had for a very long time. It's finally starting to get into the 50s and 60s, so I'm really looking forward to being able to go outside more. I especially can't wait for the pools to open. I'm going to be soaking up all the sun I can get.

OK, well I'm going to try to get some pictures posted before Ollie wakes up from his nap. Whatever I don't get done today, I'll try to post in the next few days.

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