November 10, 2010

Saturday Stroll

We took a nice little walk up Hobble Creek Canyon on Saturday. The weather was beautiful, and we figured it was probably our last chance to enjoy the Indian Summer we've had here this year. Of course we took Ruby, and she had a ball. She's pretty easy to please-- new smells, new places, and a little bit of water and this girl is as happy as a lark.

Ollie is liking walks more and more. He tends to be a little upset when we first buckle him into the stroller, but one we get going, he loves it. I think he likes being able to watch Ruby walk out in front. Lately, he calms down whenever Ruby comes near him. I think he's intrigued by the big, furry, licky thing. I have some funny pictures of them that I'll have to post soon.

Anyway, here are some pictures.

1 comment:

ma said...

Great pics! Utah does have some beautiful places! Almost looks like home!