January 12, 2009

All I really need...

Is a song in my heart
food in my belly
and love in my family. -Raffi

  • A good dentist
  • Money to pay the dentist bill I will incur
  • A new windshield
  • A new car for Justin
  • To go grocery shopping
  • To lose 15 pounds
  • To fold the 10 loads of clean laundry in my room
  • A Haircut
  • Time to finish the many projects I've started
  • Many more unimportant things.
Why is it that our needs only get more complicated as we get older? You'd think they'd start going away after being here in the world for so long. No. They are exponentially greater.


Megan said...

....and some really great desserts.


I must be crazy thinking I will never eat sugar again. =)

Megan said...

I agree about the sugar thing. It's all about moderation, right? I've actually started doing the traditional dessert after dinner routine. It has actually helped me cut down on sweets a ton. Rather than snacking all day on junk, I get one nice dessert after dinner. It's really fun to have an excuse to make real dessert too!

That's what I loved most about my degree. It was parenting classes, marriage classes, etc. Such a wonderful foundation for what I'm doing today.

I also wish we were closer. I wish I had somebody to craft and cook with - you know, other than a 3 year old and a 1 year old. Maybe someday!

I certainly hope we can see each other soon!